Erika's Words of Wisdom

What not to wear in 2017. . . bleh bleh bleh

Erika / January 15, 2017

Seriously? This was the last post I saw on facebook.

If you are truly concerned about looking good it has much more to do with a positive attitude, healthy nutrition and quite a bit of moving around. It has absolutely nothing to do with wearing a v-neck or cargo shorts. I have been wearing the same clothes for the last 3 years and guess what! I have not received a call from 2013 asking for any those clothes back.

1) I even wear white after labor day. Because, no one that really matters cares what I am wearing. : )

2) I was not alway so enlightened. I used to have it all wrong.

3) I used to spend too much time in the mall parking lot looking for a door ding safe place to put my overpriced fancy German automobile. Now I have time to go to the beach almost everyday.

4) Instead of looking through racks and racks of clothes to find the perfect outfit I might wear one day, there is time for being creative. I am using art supplies that I “stocked up” on years ago but was always too busy to craft.

5) Instead of waiting in line to pay for an outfit that I will inevitably be too tired to ever wear,

6) I can be found bright awake digging around in the garden, unless I am at the beach.

7) Life is so much simpler, I am actually alive and HAPPY.

The old Erika – and the new Erika

I was so tired all the time. I worked as an emergency dispatcher . I was a slave working the night shift. From 7pm to 7am. I was tired. I was running on nervous energy and Starbucks. But the times have changed. There is no drinking of sugary pricey coffee drinks to stay awake.

I used to visit the mall every week. It was depressing. I could buy anything I wanted and I did. I had really nice stuff. And plenty of it. I was trading my time for dollars. Then the little bit of spare time I had was spent using those dollars to find that purchase that would give me happiness. It never happened. I would roam around shopping in a zombie like state, I knew the location of every bathroom in the mall. I can tell you first hand, IF you know where every bathroom is in the shopping mall, you are spending too much of your precious time there and should probably reevaluate your life.

Leaving it all behind for a better today

Once I admitted to myself that my life sucked I used what little muchness I had left to get my shit together. My job sucked, I quit my job. My house had some bad memories. Sold the house. Once beautiful South Florida was polluted and no longer felt like home. I did not feel safe … I had to leave, Maui was calling.

In the beginning stages of my mid life fix up the love of my life finally found me. I went from being “little miss independent”, “I can do it my damn self girl” to part of a couple. A couple that would move to the middle of the Pacific Ocean together, leaving it ALL behind.

Start your own business

Many people use money as the ultimate excuse not to change their life. Even though we seem to have no problem spending $7 on Frappuccinos and other unnecessary and often unhealthy items.

Regardless what your excuse or motivation is – why not START YOUR OWN BUSINESS – read more here.