Erika's Words of Wisdom, Wellness

What is so great about Ginger?

Erika / December 13, 2016

The Health Benefits of Ginger: Anti-Inflammatory and Anti Nausea

Ginger is one of the best natural Anti-Inflammatories. It is great natural substitute replacement for Advil, Motrin and other NSAIDs – without the stomach ulcers.

Ginger has also proven itself to give relief from Nausea, Morning sickness caused by pregnancy, Motion Sickness. Many anti-nausea anti-vomiting drugs have undesired side effects which can be avoided by using Ginger.

Growing Ginger: Easy in many areas

Ginger is easily grown in a tropical or subtropical environment. It is so easy to grow that it can even be considered “invasive”, in this case “invasive” is a really good thing. Grown from a rhizome. Different varieties are available. If you plant the raw ginger available in the grocery store it will grow. Plant it shallow under 1/2 to 3 inches of well draining soil. This is not an exact science it may even grow on your kitchen counter or in your fridge if other requirements are met.

Other and Alternative Uses of Ginger

Medicinal, preventative, remedy, flavor enhancer, beverage, or if you like it hot, ginger can be eaten straight, you may want to peel it before eating it straight. Sometimes the outer skin can be a bit tough, I have eaten the skin and I am still here. Younger ginger has a thinner skin on it. When you slice open your ginger you may see a blue ring. It is perfectly safe to eat. oh and congratulations you have scored some Hawaiian blue ginger. Eat some and plant some for the future.

My Favorite Ginger Recipe

Ginger lemonade with Raw Honey from the Farmers Market and Cayenne Pepper. When my immune system is battling something undesirable like the flu or a virus, I find this drink served hot gives my body the extra strength it needs to say on the healthy side of things.

Vasayo supplements that contain Ginger

Even though Ginger is easily available by itself, you can get the benefits of Ginger and other natural ingredients in form of an easy to use daily supplement called “Renew Mircogel