Erika's Words of Wisdom, Vasayo Articles, Wellness

Ways to acquire your dōTERRA goods for less money or even get PAID!

Erika / September 28, 2017

Here are Four ways to get dōTERRA Essential Oils. 

Retail –
Purchase at retail prices through a Wellness Advocate. I am a Wellness Advocate. In my experience most people come back for more. The people that pass on the membership, choose a few oils, they fall in love with them and want more variety. Save yourself the trouble, get a sample and get a membership. Once you see, feel and experience the quality the dōTERRA brand offers you will love the advantage of the wholesale price.  I received so much benefit from the oils I decided to become a Wellness advocate so I could teach others about the benefits of essential oils. And in turn I pay less than I thought was possible with the product credits I rack up.

Wholesale –
Here’s the scoop. Save 25% off of retail with an annual membership. Membership is $35 for the first year and $25 a year for the following years (AND your $25 renewal comes with a 15mL bottle of Peppermint Essential Oil). This $35 initial enrollment fee is waived when you buy an Essential Oil starter kit also known as an Enrollment Kit. There are currently 10 kits starting at $150 the bigger the kit the bigger the overall savings.  Leading up to the largest kit, The Diamond Kit, that consists of the entire product line! The Diamond kit savings are $794. But wait there’s more! You also get 400 Product Credit Points.  And start at an additional reward of 25% off of Wholesale (not retail) of every other dōTERRA product you buy.

DoTerra offers  essential oils, Weight loss solutions, Cleaning supplies, Nutritional Supplements, wellness drinks, Skin care, Salon quality hair care, Respiratory Support

Become A Wellness Advocate – Like Me!
Whenever I discover a great sale, or a cute new store, or a restaurant with great food.  I blab on and on about these things to anyone I feel would enjoy them too.  The same is true with my essential oils, I use them every day.

So, the benefits of being a Wellness Advocate  are almost the same as the benefits of being a Wholesale Customer. EXCEPT, as a wellness advocate you can earn money for talking about dōTERRA’s products, something you will probably do anyway.

The oils are used at my house everyday. I use them when I need to chill the eff out. I use them when I want a little more pep in my step. If someone gets a belly ache, we reach for the DigestZen.

I use them to smell good. No more headaches from weird synthetic perfumes, candles, tarts, or sprays. I have so much fun mixing up my own scent recipes.  I am collecting supplies to make my own bath bombs like they sell at Lush but for way less money and I control the true quality of the ingredients.  And my bath bombs will be untouched by little germy fingers.

I use my oils in recipes. Since the are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade many of them are safe to ingest.  All organic Peppermint brownies YUM! I put a drop of Lemon or Lime OR Lemon and Lime in my water. This is a great way to increase your water intake. No weird chemicals in here.
Aromatherapy is fascinating!  So much information is coming available, there will always be something new and exciting to learn. The more you learn about essential oils the more ways you will be able to integrate them into your day to day life. Start your own doTERRA business. I am here to help you help others!