Erika's Words of Wisdom

Thank you Conscious Maui

Erika / November 4, 2018

One of many things I have observed on my journey is that people are quick to push against things and situations that make them unhappy. But, that which we resist persists! What if we gave our focus and support to that which makes us happy instead?

What if we started to support businesses and people that are going out of their way to do the right thing, for the planet, for animals, and for humanity. The peer review websites have made the chances of having a good experience more likely. Businesses are now being held publicly accountable for the level of service they provide. This is great. Now here on Maui, we have access to a directory of conscious minded companies. The website is called CONSCIOUS MAUI. Have you heard of it? Of course you have! You live on the rock, not under it!!!


Many people are waking up and realizing we are all a part of something much bigger. It is not all about me me me!  It is time to support local organic farmers and businesses that use reusable materials. It is not enough to just use recyclable plastics because let’s face it some of it ends up in our oceans. We need to support businesses committed to the environment by using solar energy and businesses that encourage customers to bring reusable cloth bags, instead of handing out plastic.  Restaurants that use metal or recycled cardboard for carry out orders need to be chosen over those still handing out styrofoam.

When I go to one of these restaurants I insist on providing my own glass container.  When visiting a salon wouldn’t it be nice if the air were safe to breathe, not only for you but for the people that work in that salon. We can fix this by insisting on organic natural products. Let’s make those products cruelty-free too! While we are on a roll lets talk about wages. Are the products we buy fair trade? We have to ask, are the people harvesting our coffee beans and making clothes being paid a fair and comfortably livable wage?

Living on the islands it is important to be respectful and mindful of Native Hawaiian Culture. A large part of Hawaiian Tradition involves taking care of the islands or Protecting the ʻĀina.

Conscious Maui is creating a presence on Maui, raising awareness and shining a light on those people and businesses that are living life the conscious way, living Pono.