Erika's Words of Wisdom

Men: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Erika / September 23, 2024

The world needs MEN! Masculinity is not toxic!

The world is changing, and so are the career landscapes we once thought were set in stone. As young men, it’s time to reconsider what career paths you want to embark upon. For too long, we’ve seen an imbalance in the workforce, and it’s high time to restore that balance. Women are stepping into industries traditionally dominated by men, not because they’re more suited for these roles, but often because young men aren’t stepping up. If you’re uncertain about your future or stuck in the whirlwind of “what to do with your life,” let me lay out some clear and honest advice.

The Critical Need for Skilled Trades

We need electricians, plumbers, mechanics, HVAC technicians, and painters—not more salesmen, waiters, or computer programmers. Don’t get me wrong, these careers have their place, but the world is running short of people who can actually build and fix things. If you’ve ever experienced a busted pipe in the winter or an electrical problem in the dead of summer, you know how critical these trades are. Air Conditioning unit died in August in Ft. Lauderdale you need a guy and fast!

The truth is, these skilled jobs aren’t just “alternative options” anymore. They’re becoming the backbone of society, and the demand for skilled labor is only increasing. Every time we hear about a shortage of electricians or mechanics, what we’re really hearing is that society is in desperate need of people who know how to work with their hands. And here’s the kicker: these jobs pay well. And the more in demand these careers become the more we will pay for them.

Breaking the Stigma Around Blue Collar Work

For too long, society has painted the picture that everyone needs to go to college, get a degree, and land a cushy office job to be successful. The result? A generation of overeducated and under-skilled young people drowning in student debt, competing for jobs that offer little job security or satisfaction. all in the name of status. High status jobs are great until you are living in your Audi down by the river.

Skilled trades, on the other hand, offer something invaluable—stability. There will always be a need for someone to fix your car, wire your home, or repair your HVAC system. When society is on the brink of chaos, it’s not the guy with a marketing degree who will save the day; it’s the person who can turn a wrench or fix a fuse.

Restoring the Male-Female Balance

A generation ago, careers in the trades were typically dominated by men, while women gravitated toward less physically demanding fields. In recent years, however, women are increasingly entering these industries, partly because young men are opting out. If this trend continues, we risk losing an important balance in our workforce. There’s nothing wrong with women working as electricians or plumbers, but if men don’t start stepping up to fill these roles, we could see a dramatic shift in the gender dynamics of certain industries, with unintended and undesired consequences.

This isn’t about pushing women out of these careers but about encouraging young men to recognize the opportunities in these fields. The work is challenging, but it’s honest, dignified, and pays well. As men, you should be leading by example in roles that require physical strength, technical expertise, and resilience. These are jobs that help build communities and keep the infrastructure of society running smoothly. It’s time for young men to reclaim their position in these trades—not out of a desire to exclude anyone but because there’s a natural fit between these fields and the strengths many men possess.
The Financial Benefits of Skilled Trades

One of the biggest misconceptions about working in the trades is that it’s a low-paying job, or somehow less rewarding than an office career. Nothing could be further from the truth. Skilled tradesmen often earn competitive salaries right out of the gate, and with experience, those earnings can significantly increase. According to recent statistics, skilled trades can offer starting salaries ranging from $50,000 to $80,000 a year, with many tradesmen enjoying overtime pay and benefits. Not only are these jobs financially rewarding, but they also provide opportunities for growth and advancement.

As you build your skills and reputation, you can even branch out and start your own business, turning your trade into a lucrative enterprise. The freedom that comes with being your own boss is an enticing prospect, and it’s a path that many skilled tradesmen successfully navigate.

Earn competitive salaries right out of the gate, and with experience, those earnings can significantly increase. According to recent statistics, skilled trades can offer starting salaries ranging from $50,000 to $80,000 a year, with many tradesmen enjoying overtime pay and benefits. Not only are these jobs financially rewarding, but they also provide opportunities for growth and advancement.

As you build your skills and reputation, you can even branch out and start your own business, turning your trade into a lucrative enterprise. The freedom that comes with being your own boss is an enticing prospect, and it’s a path that many skilled tradesmen successfully navigate.

Building a Sustainable Future when you choose a skilled trade, you’re not just making a career decision; you’re also making an investment in your community and the future. Tradespeople are essential for maintaining and improving the infrastructure that supports our daily lives—from roads and bridges to homes and schools. By entering these fields, you’re directly contributing to the safety and quality of life in your community.

Moreover, as you become a part of this workforce, you also create opportunities for younger generations. By mentoring apprentices and sharing your knowledge, you can help instill the value of skilled trades in others, creating a legacy that encourages hard work and dedication.

In Closing

Take the Leap! So, if you’re feeling uncertain about your future, take a moment to reflect on what truly matters. Consider the fulfillment that comes from working with your hands, solving problems, and contributing to something larger than yourself. Skilled trades offer not just a paycheck, but also the satisfaction of seeing tangible results from your labor.

It’s time to shake off the stigma surrounding these professions and embrace the potential they hold. Reclaim your role in the workforce by choosing a path that leads to financial stability, personal growth, and community contribution. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you; actively seek them out. Whether it’s enrolling in a trade school, pursuing an apprenticeship, or gaining experience in a family business, take that first step today.

The world needs skilled tradesmen now more than ever, and by choosing this path, you’ll be making a decision that not only benefits you but also strengthens your community for years to come. Embrace the skilled trades and unlock a future filled with promise, purpose, and prosperity.