Erika's Words of Wisdom

MAY the FOURTH Be With You



*Spoiler Alert*
Just in case I am not the last person on earth to watch Star Wars, and you plan to watch one day, you may or may not want to read on.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…

The year was 1977, I was 4 years young.

The Star Wars Trilogy began. I saw and enjoyed the first three movies (Original Trilogy) as they were shown at the theater, then never watched the movies again. In 1999 at the age of 26, the first of the prequels, The Phantom Menace was released and I went with friends, having very little idea about what was going on. And that was the end of my Star Wars experience.

Until now on an island far far away in the middle of the Pacific Ocean…

April was a rough month, I fell off a piece of furniture while hanging a birthday banner, got sick and then it rained a lot. While recovering I decided to revisit Star Wars. Not knowing where to start and what to watch first, my friends on facebook were surveyed. I went with the recommendation of the friend that knows me the best and is aware of my little knowledge of nerd pop-culture. She recommended that I watch the Original Trilogy IV, V, VI, followed by The Prequels I,II,III and at last the Sequel. So, watch them I did…

For many years I thought the “Storm Troopers” were the good guys. As it turns out they are not “white Darth Vaders” or “good Darth Vaders” Darth Vader is a bad guy, and Storm Troopers were the good guys because they were white and it took a lot of white Darth Vaders to protect the Universe against the one black Darth Vader. I really paid attention, even to the politics of space… but there is still much confusion regarding Rebels, Rebellion, the Imperial Senate and the Empire (Darth Vader’s people, droids and other creatures).

Now after watching StarWars as an adult I recognize the difference between the Millennium Falcon and the Death Star. Please don’t ask me to name an other ships. Apparently the Enterprise is not one of them. I now know sand people are not Ewoks in disguise behaving badly.

My favorite characters are Yoda, C3PO and Darth Vader. I like Chewbacca, he is a wookie, this is new information. Jabba the Hut is still my least favorite character. Jar Jar Binks is funny, there has been some controversy about Jar Jar… I like him or her.

I liked the first 6 movies of the Original Trilogy and the Prequel Trilogy. The battle scenes in The Force Awakens are just too long and drawn out. The story line is lacking content… It seems like just another over done Hollywood movie to me. And the new Darth Vader looking guy, son of Han Solo and Leia looks like Marilyn Manson to me and that is the only bit I like about this character.


A very powerful message is being delivered through the Star Wars movies. This is much more than just a science fiction movie. This movie demonstrates the Law of Attraction and the power of the universe. In Episode IV, A New Hope, the force is referred to as an ancient religion. The force is with you, me and us all. Our vibration must be in alignment with what it is that we desire. That on which we put our focus is what we will manifest.

If you don’t believe me, maybe Yoda can convince you.


“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering. “Luminous beings are we…not this crude matter.”

“Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”