Erika's Words of Wisdom, Gardening

Let it Bee | Healthy Bees = Healthy Humans

Erika / February 9, 2017

For the past three years we have been living right near a huge honey bee hive. For two of these years we shared a common wall with the bees. Quite often the bees would find their way into our living area and we would catch the bee in a cup and put it back outside.


The bees set up there hive under the lap siding of the exterior wall adjacent to our space. There were so many bees in the wall that I could feel the heat generated by the hive through the wall. We would hear the bees waking up in the morning. The hive sounded like a finely tuned motor running.

In order to improve the bees standard of living they recently got relocated to have their own proper “bee house” (bee hive). It turned out there were 4 hives, with 4 queens in the walls of the house.

Healthy Bee – Healthy Flowers – Healthy Food – Healthy Humans

We can see the benefits of having a bee hive in our yard and fruit trees.

Watch this great video on why you should have your own bees.

The bee’s health and population is directly related to our health and population. Fresh produce will be unaffordable when the bees are not there to do the pollenating.


We need to stop with all of these pesticides and herbicides. Use mulch or ground covering plants to block the weeds. Grow plants that repel the pests. Grow plants that attract the bees and butterflies to your gardens.

If you don’t have a garden, start one. Collect cuttings from friends and neighbors. Buy seeds. Give the bees something to eat. We need to change our ways because WE are killing the bees. If we are to live a healthy life we must give bees a chance.