Erika's Words of Wisdom, Vasayo Articles, Vasayo Reseller - Tips and Tricks, Wellness

How to make a million dollars in Vasayo?

Erika / December 5, 2016

Yes I know what you are thinking…

“Great one of “THOSE” cheesy articles” : )

But you clicked it and it did get your attention – didn’t it !?!

So that tells me that even making slightly less than a million would be a nice thing too. Wouldn’t it?

So let’s start out with the ultimate question:

– Can you make a million with Vasayo – Yes you can.

– Are you going to make a million in Vasayo – Likely no.

– Are you going to make a little money in Vasayo – Likely yes.

Next let’s talk about setting a realistic goal and seeing what it takes.

What you determine as realistic is up to you really. Maybe just adding a few hundred dollars to your income. Or having “play-money” that you can spend without feeling bad.

Let’s help you understand what a network marketing company is and what it is not. Vasayo like other network marketing companies is a job. Vasayo is not a lottery where you can win money. Vasayo is not a place or company where money is arbitrarily handed out.

Money is earned. (Surprise!!!)

People that make money (in any Network marketing company) not just Vasyao have certain skills that translate into success in this business.

Don’t Panic – If you don’t have these skills you can develop them.

In general, companies like Vasayo want to help you attain those skills by putting on webinars, seminars and sending you books etc, because let’s face it – the more you sell the more revenue they generate for themselves. You could get upset about this realization or for those looking at things more positively think about it as a win-win.

Read on for “Five necessary skills needed to be a successful network marketer with Vasayo