doTERRA, Erika's Words of Wisdom, Essential Oils, Wellness

Quality Essential oils are not cheap and cheap essential oils are not quality

Erika / November 8, 2017

There I said it!
It takes 60,000 roses to make 1oz of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil of Rose. That is 2,160,000 rose petals for almost 30mL of Rose Essential oil. Let’s do some math.
If a single rose costs .03 cents and it takes 60,000 roses to make 30mL of 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil of Rose a company would have to charge $1,200 for this 10 mL bottle. How do they do it for $3.99?

If the price sounds too good to be true it probably is. The product could be diluted with a cheaper oil or it could be a synthetic. My body does not like synthetics. Synthetic fragrances give me headaches, burn my throat, cause dizziness and brain fog. Sometimes this exposure leads to nausea and vomiting too.  From what I hear I am not alone with this intolerance to weird man made chemicals. The stuff mother nature makes is perfectly perfect. Why would we want to mess with it. I have read articles about how synthetic products are known to cause cancer, and not just in the state of California.

Why would we spend money to poison ourselves and others. If you are unable or don’t want to spend the money to buy Essential Oils from a reputable brand then you are better off going with out. DoTerra Rose Retails for $375 for 5mL. But, Wholesale Customers and Wellness Advocates can get 5mL for $281 when it is available.  It is seldom available. There are approximately 85 drops in the 5mL bottle. A little goes a long way because this is a quality gift from the earth!

Try this analogy… Imagine there is a small fire that needs to be put out. There is no water around but there is a big jug of gasoline near by. Do you use that jug of gas to put the fire out since gasoline is a liquid? NO!  Sometimes you are better off doing nothing at all.

Before using essential oils I did extensive researched on the companies selling them.  After a year of investigating and interviewing people that use oils I decided to get involved with doTerra. I started out looking at about 10 companies then I got down to 3 then there was one.  There are other companies I found with great quality oils but in the end I chose DoTerra because of their reputation, the quality of their products, and I like that doTerra does a lot of good for their growers. I also like that doTerra sources their oils from all over the world, the plants are allowed to grow where they thrive.  DoTerra also has 3rd party companies that test the purity of their finished product. They are not only testing the products themselves in house.  In house testing could easily lead to the temptation of passing through a less pure product. This temptation has been removed.

Many of doTerra’s oils can be taken internally. I am suspicious of a company that sells pure peppermint oil that you can not ingest. If it is not safe to add a drop of peppermint to my cocoa then I don’t want to be inhaling it or putting it on my skin either. Not all essential oils are safe to ingest no matter how pure… But peppermint?