Erika's Words of Wisdom, Essential Oils, Vasayo Articles, Wellness

Get that Restful Night Sleep you’ve Been Dreaming of


Google Analytics (which tracks webiste traffic) tells me that my most popular post is the one about Vasayo Microlife Sleep Myst & Spray, consistently week after week, double the traffic of any other post. That is fascinating!


Why are so many of us having difficulty sleeping and what can we do about it?

For 13 years I worked midnights, my sleep pattern was a mess to say the least, if you work midnights, I know first hand the hell you are going through.

My best suggestion to you is to make some serious lifestyle changes. I was certain that I would not wish I had worked more nights as I took my final breaths. You may need to make some major life changes to fix your sleep crisis but here are some solutions to get you by so you can at least think straight and fix your problems. I made huge changes. It was not easy but it was easier than I thought it would be and it was worth it.

Since I corrected my lifestyle I go to bed early around 8:30 or 9:PM and wake up at 6:30 or 7:AM. It is wonderful, I recommend you give it a try for a few years.

Before I go to bed I wind down. Winding down takes about an hour. This is my time for personal hygiene, reading, having a hot, caffeine free, herbal tea while diffusing some doTERRA Lavender essential oil. Lavender, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang and Vetiver is also a great sleepy mix. The Lavender scent makes bed time so inviting the smell reminds me of sleep and I have sweet lavender scented dreams. ahhhhh

Vasayo Sleep MicroMyst

Bed time was not always a breeze. In the old days, caffeine was a problem for me. I LOVE COFFEE. I made drip coffee from Lavazza espresso, I was so jacked on this shiz that I couldn’t shut up and for an introvert that is big! And if I had a drop too much I would shake like a neurotic little chihuahua. So coffee, stop it. Decaf has been exposed to weird chemicals so don’t even bother.

Is there a TV in your bedroom? Cell phone, Computer, This does not help your brain associate the bed with sleep it confuses your brain.

The clock, looking at the clock while trying to fall asleep just confirms your panic about how much sleep you are not getting and then you will find yourself laying in bed doing the math over and over again… At least I did.

Taking pharmaceutical sleeps aids. My dad’s lady friend was prescribed one of these and woke up in the hospital after having driven unconsciously in a sleep like state in the middle of the night and almost totaling her brand new car. She has no memory of having gotten into the driver’s seat… Very scary. This was not the first time I have heard this kind of story, answering 911 calls for all those years I will never take a prescription sleep aid.

Some of you may have tried all of the above remedies to get a good night rest but there is a brand spankin’ new product you probably have not tried. It has only been available since January 2017, as I write this, that was two months ago. The product is in demand a has been selling out. It might take a little longer than you want to wait but what if it works?

Announcing Vasayo Sleep MicroMyst !


Vasayo Sleep MicroMyst, as soon as you can get your hands on some, has been working for so many of my friends. I wish I has this when I worked midnights but I am glad it is available now for you. Whether you are a pilot hopping from time zone to time zone or just have a lot on your mind this stuff is working. I could do an entire blog post on the benefits of each of the 5 ingredients but here are the ultra highlights directly relating to solving the inability to sleep crisis.


Vasayo Sleep Micro-myst is the combination of:

Melatonin, a natural hormone that helps you maintain your wake-sleep rhythm.

GABA, Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid – acts as a natural tranquilizer.

NAC, N-acetyl Cysteine- ability to treat sleep disorders.

Vitamin B2 – riboflavin – deficiency in B2 can lead to many problems including fatigue.

Vitamin B6 – helps regulate the body clock.

What is the lack of sleep costing you?

How much would you spend to get a good night sleep.

A one month supply of Vasayo Micromyst spray costs $49.95.

That is about $1.70 a night.

I was spending that much on coffee every day, how about you?