doTERRA, Erika's Words of Wisdom, Essential Oils, Wellness

Get in Touch with Your Inner Yogi

Erika / November 9, 2017

 You are encouraged to enhance your yoga practice by using aromatherapy.  DoTerra has thoughtfully customized three different essential oil blends to enhance your yoga journey with essential oils on your path to enlightenment. Each of the three blends ANCHOR, ALIGN, & ARISE are in a base of coconut oil to ensure safe use, if you have sensitive skin, or are not sure, please add a little more coconut oil for added safety. These oils are very high quality, a little bit goes a long way, coconut oil will not lessen the effects of the oils, it will actually help them stay with you longer.



Introducing the Essential Oils YOGA COLLECTION by dōTERRA

ANCHOR – Steadying Blend – Anchor Blend adds a nice compliment to meditation, and seated asanas (poses). During Sukhasana (Easy Pose) feel the connection with the earth while pressing your sits bones into the ground.  Anchor blend has a woody earthy aroma supportive of grounding.
Fractionated Coconut Oil
Lavender – calming, Cooling, uplifting
Cedarwood – For connectedness and sense of community
Frankincense – the oil of truth; promotes peace, relaxation; helps the body to stay limber;immune support; enhance a sense of overall comfort
Cinnamon – Sexual harmony; body acceptance: trust; courage
Sandalwood – Sacred Devotion; respect; reverence; connection to source and spiritual self
Black Pepper – emotional honesty; soothes anxious feelings, self awareness and personal integrity; alertness, mental clarity and focus
Patchouli – physical presence; mood balancer

ALIGN – Centering Blend – Align Blend supports balance, stability, stamina and concentration which makes this a great oil to use in a more power centered yoga practice. Feel benefits during Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) and Trikonasana (Triangle) poses for example.  Additionaly Align blend is heart opening inviting compassion and love to your life and your practice.
Fractionated Coconut Oil
Bergamot FCF* – for self-acceptance; calming and reduces feelings of stress
Coriander – integrity; loyal to self
Marjoram – calming; acceptance; trust; emotional connection
Peppermint – invigoration; uplifting; optimism
Geranium – love, truth and truth; emotional wellness, calming
Basil – for renewal; promotes a sense of focus and a stress relieving experience; reduces tension
Rose – The oil of Divine Love; uplifting, compassion
Jasmin – sexual purity and balance, healthy intimacy,, passion
NOTE:*FCF stands for “furocoumarin free”, Many furanocoumarins are toxic and are produced by plants as a defense mechanism against various types of predators ranging from insects to mammals. (WIKI)

ARISE – Enlightening Blend Arise Blend supports enlightenment, joy, strength, coordination and balance. See which asanas this oil enhances for you. How do you feel during Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
SAFETY FIRST: Avoid the sun for 12 hours after using Arise. Citrus oils cause UV sensitivity and this blend has Lemon and Grapefruit.
INGREDIENTS:Fractionated Coconut Oil
Lemon – Focus; increase mental clarity; mood enhancer
Grapefruit – Honoring; uplifting; eases tension and stress; balances an over worked nervous system
Siberian Fir – balance emotions; sooth anxious feelings; supports courage and energy; soothing to joints and muscles
Osmanthus – soothe tired muscles; bring comfort to the body; provide concentration; eases sadness.
Melissa – The oil of Light; promote abundant health and vitality; emotional harmony; restful sleep; nourishing to the spirt; enlightenment