Erika's Words of Wisdom, Vasayo Articles, Vasayo Reseller - Tips and Tricks, Wellness

Five skills you need to be a successful network marketer and brand promoter with Vasayo.

Erika / December 6, 2016

Everyone loves lists!

Here is my “Top 5” list of skills you need to sell and be successful in Vasayo and Vasayo Core Essentials.

PANIC – I don’t have any of these skills. Should I give up Erika?

No, don’t give up. None of us came to this world with all skills already developed. I myself did certainly not have all these skills as I started out.

All that is needed is the willingness to develop those skills!

1. Be able to speak to people.
Lots of people. People you know, people you don’t know, people that are older or younger than you, people that are more successful than you. Lose the shyness. Practice speaking out loud about your company, business, product and opportunity.

2. Be able to take rejection and a lot of it.
But know that once you have proven yourself to be a success in this industry you will have credibility. And I am pretty sure that once you reach a certain level of success you will have a different set of challenges. I have not reached this level of success personally to be able to say what those challenges are but I will let you know when I find out. With hard work a dedication I will one day find out first hand.

3. Never stop learning.
Be willing to learn, make personality changes and grow. You may need to let go of who you think you are and adopt a new way of being. For some people this is difficult but it is not impossible.

4. Believe in what you are selling.
Your passion will help you sell. People are not stupid – ok some of them are, but most are not. People can tell pretty much right away if you are just in it for the money or of you have a “real” interest in the product. Let’s use Vasayo as an example. If you are not really into the whole healthy living thing then it is likely not a match. Do a google search for network marketing companies in things that you are interested in. You will find everything from cooking, to scrapbooking to sex toys (I am not kidding)!

5. Dress for success.
I am not saying you have to spent hundreds of dollars on new outfits just to sell a few Vasayo vitamins. But if you look well put together especially in front of new people they are more likely to take you seriously. It’s that simple. Only in Silicon Valley when pitching your new “disruptive” tech startup is it ok to wear an old hoodie to a meeting : )

Got your own list? Share it with me and I’ll get you your own article here on