Erika's Words of Wisdom, Gardening, Wellness

Erika’s Gardening Rant – Gardening is so fun and rewarding. The time to grow your own food is NOW!

Erika / December 16, 2016

Now? Did I say “Now”? I meant Yesterday!

Did you ever notice that homeowners either have a collection of exotic fruit producing trees or they have a lawn. If you have a bunch of goats, grow some grass. But please it is time to grow Apples, Pears, Cherries or if you live in warmer climates Mangos, Papaya, Lychee, Avocados, Bananas and any other thing your heart (and taste) desires. Just grow something. Plants and trees clean the air. Couldn’t we use a breath of fresh air?

Gardening is fun

So much of the food available in the stores are covered in pesticides. You can buy Organic, sure, But how sure are you?

Nowadays produce is being irradiated and still labeled organic. This process kills the seeds. I tried to grow the seeds from an organic jalapeño pepper that I bought from the health food store. The seeds would not grow.

Everything grows here. Everything!

So I tried again. Another pepper another day, still nothing. I suspect it was nuked before being shipped from Chile, Ecuador Mexico – no offense against any of those countries by the way. But shouldn’t we I prefer to eat living foods grown locally? It just seems healthier.

Start growing the seeds from the produce you buy. If it does not sprout that is a red flag. Plants want to grow and live. They make it easy for us. And when it does grow you will have something fresh, delicious, and pesticide free to eat.

Produce has gotten really expensive. An average sized mango In Hawaii (where I live) costs over $5. Our bananas come all the way from Ecuador to Maui. Why on earth aren’t we growing more Bananas here? Tell me how there is no money to be made by growing food on Maui when a Mango cost $5.

Ever notice how the price of food goes up and up. When fuel prices spiked to an all time high the grocery stores raised the prices overnight. Fuel prices have been lower for over a year. But, the price of groceries is still climbing.

How do young people just starting out on their own afford to eat? We need to learn to grow our own food and more importantly we need to get young people excited about gardening and growing food in a healthy sustainable way.

Kids will eat it if they grew it themselves. It does not matter if it tastes like earwax they will eat it. What better way to get your kids excited about eating healthy?

Invest in your garden today.

Plant trees, take care of your trees. Your trees will take care of you.