Erika's Words of Wisdom

Create MORE, Consume less.


We humans are creative beings. We are all creative, we are creative in a bazillion different ways. Look around at the people in your life. Are some expressing themselves more creatively than others? Is it just me or do those of us creating seem to be happier?


My happiest times are spent creating. If I spend too much time laying around mindlessly trolling facebook, or playing Plants vs Zombies I quickly lose my muchness…. I become quite dull. There is some but very little creative inspiration in those activities. But sometimes consuming is good otherwise the balance will be out of whack. All work and no play makes Erika a dull girl. Many of the things I consume inspire me greatly! Take Pinterest for example. I love using Pinterest to inspire myself and others!


YouTube also provides limitless inspiration, Empowerment, Inspiration, and Enlightenment.
My favorite channels in the length of time I have been subscriber.

1st Kandee Johnson – I found Kandee as she was just starting out. I was working in a hostile work environment, my saving grace was the access I had to the internet and Kandee! I would put myself in an imaginary bubble of happiness and watch Kandee’s positive, upbeat, funny youtube videos and as a side effect I learned a lot of really creative and amazing make-up skills and great way to cut up T-Shirts!

YouTube Channel:

2nd Jenna Marbles – Jenna popped up on my radar as she was also new to youtube. This chick made me laugh my ass off. Jenna is bit of a potty mouth, super authentic, and a bit crazy. When I was feeling particularly pissed off about the work situation I perceived my self to be stuck in, I would watch Jenna Marbles interact with her silly little dogs on youtube and like magic my emotional situation improved.

YouTube Channel:

3rd Infinite Waters – A couple of months ago I came across Ralph Smart’s enlightening channel for deep divers. This channel has almost a million subscribers! This is a place where those of us that see the world a bit differently from the majority get together to embrace and celebrate our weirdness.

YouTube Channel:

4th Teal Swan – Similarly different to the content on Ralph Smart’s YouTube channel, Teal Swan shares her view and stories with people she has never met. I learned of Teal on Ralph Smart’s channel, so glad I did.

YouTube Channel: